Sunday 24 April 2016

Break Ups | An INFJ's Perspective.

I feel like I experience break ups in a very unique way because of the fact I am an INFJ.

As an INFJ, when it comes to relationships mine are few and far between. This is because I need to be able to really connect with a person on a range of levels before I start to develop romantic feelings for them. Once I have this with a person, quite frankly, I'm screwed. When I develop a really strong connection with a person I get very attached; not in a clingy way, more in a 'you mean a lot to me, I really care about you, but I'm not going to be super in your face about it' way.

So when relationships come to an end it's really difficult for me -when it's the other person who decides to end it anyway. I'm sure you're able to guess that I'm writing this because I have recently gone through a break up, and you're not wrong. Granted it was two months ago that things ended, but today I realised I'm not quite as over it as I had first thought.

I was only with the guy for four months, but out of all of my exs he's the one I developed the strongest connection with. We had so many things in common, both in terms of interests, personality traits and values, and we got along so effortlessly from the moment we met. There's an ancient Buddhist teaching that your soulmate isn't the person who gives you butterflies, but instead is the person you always feel completely at ease with; and that's what things were like with him.

I cared very deeply about him. He managed to restore my hope both in men and love, and for that I will be forever grateful. But obviously he decided to end things with me. He had his reasons which I won't go into, purely because it's personal and I've done enough over-thinking about that stuff already. We agreed to stay friends and that's working out surprisingly well. That being said our contact is almost exclusively through messaging and social media now. I feel that remaining friends and talking most days is both a help and a hindrance for me. It helps because it means I haven't completely lost the connection I have with him -it's just weakened. But it doesn't help because it means I still have hope for the future. It also doesn't help because when I see him interacting with other females I feel a pang of jealously and sadness in my chest. And that's what's proving to be the hardest part for me. I'll be completely over him eventually though...

Sunday 22 March 2015

Questions: Does March Actually Exist?

I'm beginning to question if March is a real month or not. Every year without fail, at the end of February March begins, and what seems like two days later it ends. No other month in the year passes as quickly as March.

Today is the 22nd and it feels like the 1st was a week ago at most. Where have all the days in between gone? Granted I have been endlessly stressing over never ending assignment deadlines for the past two and a half weeks, which probably explains why March has passed so quickly this year. But that only provides an explanation for March 2015, not March 1994 - 2014. I can assure you I was never stressing over anything in the 90's, except maybe getting S Club 7's or the Spice Girls' latest album.

I think over March 2016 -assignment and dissertation permitting- I'll really make a conscious effort to take note of March and make the most of it's 31 days, instead of letting them slip through my fingers once again.

Does anyone else find this with March, or am I just crazy?
Or any other month of the year maybe?
-Hannah. :)

Tuesday 10 February 2015

University: My B+ Slump.

I've had a number of results back recently, and so far all but one has been a B+. Now don't get me wrong, that's a pretty good grade and I'm happy with it. The only issue is that it's so, so close to an A; which means I'm averaging on a 2:1, but bordering on a 1st. And it seems that no matter how much effort I put into an assignment I can't quite break free of my B+ streak. I know it's such a silly and trivial thing to be down in the dumps over, but I would really love to achieve a first class honours in my degree.

I've got about a month until my next deadline; so I'm hoping the time off will somehow do me some good. That way when it's time to begin work on my next assignment I might feel slightly fresher, or more motivated and break through my B+ slump, while adding another A to my repertoire.

I'm sure a number of you out there can relate to my situation. I don't suppose you'd be willing to offer any advice?

(Thanks in advance)
-Hannah. :)

Thursday 29 January 2015

A Little Voice In a World Full of Noise: Save Dippy!

I don't know if any of you have ever been to the Natural History Museum in London; but in their main hall stands Dippy the diplodocus. After 109 of standing proudly in his place, the museum are now thinking of replacing him with a blue whale's skeleton.

Don't get me wrong I'd love to check out a blue whale's skeleton. That'd be frickin' awesome! But I don't want to sacrifice Dippy for it.

As I have previously stated on here, the Natural History Museum is one of my favourite places on Earth, and Dippy is my favourite thing in that massive building. Which is why I'm here with the link provided below, asking you to take a minute of your time to sign this petition and keep my precious Dippy in his rightful place.

Thank you!
-Hannah. :)

Thursday 1 January 2015

Jottings In My Notebook: Aims for 2015.

Earlier this morning before I hit the hay, I pulled out my holographic T-Rex notebook and on the top of a fresh page scribbled '2015'. Then I started to jot down some of the main things I wanted to achieve and work towards in the coming 365 days of 2015. At first I didn't think the list would been very long as I'd never really be one for making any form of New Year's Resolution. But the length of my list once I had finished it was quite surprising; and I didn't even write down everything I wanted to achieve in 2015, just the stuff I felt was most important to me!

So here's a little look into what I want to get out of my next 365 page chapter:

  • Really make an effort to practise mindfulness,
  • Make yoga and hooping part of my daily/weekly routine,
  • Actually use the library,
  • Become more confident, especially in terms of body confidence,
  • Go to a film premier,
  • Go to more concerts -at least 3,
  • Open a savings account with the aim of saving £1,000 by the end of the year,
  • Go ice skating more,
  • Write more,
  • Read more,
  • Take more photos,
  • Make more of an effort in learning Italian,
  • Help people more -especially those in need- in some way or another,
  • Give less of a fuck about people's thoughts/opinions of me,
  • Realise and take note of who my real friends are -hold onto them and let the others go.
What are some of the things you guys are hoping to get out of 2015?
-Hannah. :)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Bucket List Achievement: Meeting Meerkats.

The aptly named Timon.
One day in June my mum phoned me to ask if I would be interested in a 'Meet the Meerkats Experience' in Cambridgeshire as an early 21st birthday present, as Wowcher had e-mailed her an offer on it. Of course I took her up on the offer and said that I would love to meet some meerkats for my 21st. A few months previous to this I'd actually researched into a 'Meet the Meerkats Experience' at another location.

Now as all of that may imply, I have been a huge meerkat fan for a very, very long time, and when the Compare the Market adverts came out with Alexander, my love of meerkats only grew -don't even get me started on Baby Olaf. So I was pretty excited about getting the opportunity to meet and interact with some.

So my mum ordered two of these experience voucher thingies with my email address -the second for my photographer chum whose birthday is three weeks after mine. A few days later I received an email from Wowcher with all the details of my mum's order, as well as how and when I could redeem my 'Meet the Meerkats Experience'.

Fast forward to a few days ago, and BAM! it was time for me to meet some meerkats! So that's one less thing remaining on my bucketlist. Although I must admit I am tempted to add on 'Meet more meerkats.'
-Hannah. :)

Sunday 26 October 2014

It's Been Awhile: A Catch Up.

I realise that it has been quite some time since I last posted anything on here. Sorry about that! Things have just been a little more hectic and time consuming than before. To save having a mini-spam of posts about a number of different things since I last spoke to you I figured making a little 'life update' post might be better.

The beautiful snowflake charm necklace I got from one of my nans.
Biggest bit of news first: I'M TWENTY-ONE! As of the Monday just gone I reached another big age milestone. The actual day itself didn't feel too much like my birthday, but that's probably because I did most of my celebrating the two days previous -that, and I had uni. On the Saturday I got treated to an Oxford Street shopping spree. I was quite reserved about what I got though, because although my boyfriend kept saying I could go as crazy as I wanted, I know he is very money conscious, so I didn't want to wreck his bank account too much. Then on the Sunday I had most of my immediate family come around for red velvet cake; and on Monday, after coming home from uni with two vases in tow for my lovely flowers, I went to Frankie & Benny's for dinner and had the most delicious salmon!

Secondly, I'm back at uni now. That was a little crazy at first because there was a bit of an issue with online registering within the Psychology Department, and then there was an issue with timetabling as a result of the registration stuff. It doesn't sound like too much, but I'm a very neurotic person so I was in stress central for the first two-ish weeks. Things have settled down now thankfully, and so far I'm enjoying my second year. But that's probably because I've not had to do any assignments yet.

The beautiful pink lilies that my boyfriend got me for my 21st.
Also I am thoroughly enjoying Lush's Autumn/Winter products at the moment! When their store by my campus released their A/W stuff I went in there twice in the same day, and only felt the tiniest bit ashamed about my very apparent addiction. Then there was a student shopping event in the mall one evening and Lush were open, so naturally I went in and got even more stuff. And I've been in another couple of times since then (Oops... Sorry bank account!).

Another thing I'm also really enjoying at the moment is Strictly Come Dancing. I just love to watch people dance and admire the female dancer's beautiful dresses! The only bad thing is that I get really jealous of all the professionals for being such graceful and talented dancers, and of all of the celebrities for getting the chance to learn how to dance.

Finally, I met the most adorable and friendly, little kitten on my walk home from the town centre the other day! That's not exactly note-worthy to most of you I expect, but I am a massive cat lady and that cute, little thing really made my day. I met her a few roads down from my uni house and after a good fifteen or so minutes of petting and stroking I forced myself to carry on walking home (I honestly would've stayed there all day if I could have, and not looked weird) and the sweetheart followed my half the way home! It was honestly the sweetest thing!

What are some of the things you guys have been up to and/or enjoying since my last Blogger appearance?
-Hannah. :)